How do you know the real professional lash stylist?

To choose a new service, a hair dresser, a nail technitian or a lash stylist always a difficult question. In this short article we help you in recognition of good eyelash stylists.

How do you know that you have chosen a good eyelash specialist? 
What do you know who is the one who does a quality job and can entrust yourself to herself?
I would like these bad experiences would not be generic if this topic were to be discussed, and not fear and distrust would be the first to think of eyelash construction. 
The use of artificial eyelashes and the use of glue itself does not harm the health of our own natural eyelashes, but I have already written about it. /The article can be found here.
It is rather based on the use of incompetent hands and poor quality materials! We are only looking for an expert in eyelashes! 
You must have professional - quality materials - from device disinfection to diagnosis, and thorough eyelash cleaning before applying. Also the use of gel cushions / medical adhesive tape is indispensable. I do not want to emphasize that you choose the arc, length, thickness and shape of your guest's face, even more emphasizing the beauty of the face! 
Use our glue properly, the eyelashes should not be stuck in knots using the glue. At the end of the construction, we only allow our guest to come home if we have provided them with our nursing and cleaning advice!
Stylists therefore prepare the desired pillars with their expertise conscientiously and using quality materials. 
It is the responsibility of the guests to accept the styling suggestions, wait patiently for application and follow the nursing care instructions recommended by the stylists to protect the eyes and eyelashes.
Thank you for reading it!

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