In weekdays we do not need wear false lashes but it worth to wear them. In this little article you can read about the benefits of them.

We wear artificial eyelashes on weekdays not because it's needed, but because a well choosen and built-in pillow, made by a professional, makes our eyes look more beautiful and more expressive.

Anyone who once tries will say become addicted. Let's look at the benefits said by those ladies who tried out this service:

- We look at least 5 years younger, without plastic surgery! 

- If we wear artificial eyelashes, the mascara may be completely omitted. So in rainy - windy and snowy weather we do not even have to worry about the smell of our eye paint! And we do not come home with black-tears, with tears like a poorly managed boxing match. 

I do not want to talk about mascara anymore, I have a basic piece. But it gives the effect of a beautifully applied set, daytime makeup and a little confidence. 

A well-formed eyebrow and a matching pillow bring our face to harmony and bring our joy to our everyday lives.

Thank you for reading it.

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